Boutique Marketing Agency | Communication Specialist in PNG

Where We Started

September 5, 2023

Where We Started

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.”

— Richard Branson (Founder of the Virgin Group)
Its a functional circle on a website
Expert web design team creating visually stunning and user-friendly websites to enhance online presence.

Where We Started

In the ever-changing landscape of Sales and Marketing, experience isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity. That’s why our story isn’t one that began overnight; it’s steeped in over two decades of hard-earned experience, vision, and unparalleled success.
Backed by over 20 years in the FMCG sector, we’ve been instrumental in launching iconic brands that have become household names. From powering the Red Bull invasion in Australia to orchestrating the impressive debut of Skel Rice in Papua New Guinea, our track record speaks for itself. Living and working in the Solomon Islands for the largest FMCG company there has added to our global perspective and cross-cultural marketing acumen. We don’t just follow market trends; we set them.
But our expertise doesn’t stop at brand launches. Our experience extends to the wholesale and distribution sectors as well, where we honed a unique set of skills over three enriching years. Running a wholesale business and managing a chain of retail stores has given us an in-depth understanding of the supplier side of the equation. We’ve been the crucial link between consumer desire and product availability, ensuring that supply meets demand in the most efficient way possible.
The journey from then to now has been nothing short of exhilarating, but it’s not just the results that have brought us this far. It’s the enduring internal and external relationships we’ve nurtured along the way. These relationships are the bedrock of our success and the reason people choose to partner with us. We’ve cultivated a level of expertise and trust that’s not just unparalleled but also irreplaceable.
We invite you to be a part of our continued journey, a journey that transforms not just brands but entire markets—and relationships. Where experience isn’t taught—it’s earned
Advertising, ATL, BTL, Digital Marketing, Website Development, Papua New Guinea, Brand Management, Graphic Design, Corporate Videos, Business Strategy, Animation, Infographics
Sleek circular web icon representing a user-friendly and modern interface element.
Its a functional circle on a website